Business process mining is a new innovative way of improving business processes. Capturing, analyzing and automating business processes is a new discipline in Information Technologies. The so-called internet of processes enables enterprises to automate specific business processes, by using data science. The processes which a back office worker makes during his work routine, are modeled and analyzed. As a process management technique, it helps businesses understand and optimize business processes in a faster and better aspect. The process participants can concentrate on why the process flows are the way they are, after gathering data.
The goal of process mining is not to analyze data, but to improve processes. There are two perspectives when it comes to improving a process, the performance perspective, and the compliance perspective. So main answers that a process mining improvement should answer are always regarding these two perspectives. To answer these questions a process analysis with all the process data has to be made. So process mining is situated between the analysis technique like simulation and process modeling without considering real data like data mining. Process mining is about analyzing data including event logs, the amount of data gathered and analyzed is used to visualize the process flows.
Process mining has to fill a gap between these two forms of analyzing a situation and give solutions, which improve a process. Business process mining and improvement include three stages: process discovery, conformance checking, and enhancement of the business process.
Business process discovery
Process discovery is the first and most typical technique of process mining and improvement.
In this stage, a process model is derived, which represents the actual process execution using login data. Process discovery is a stage, that is used to get insights into how the process flow goes and how the process is carried out.
Process mining and conformance checking
Conformance checking is the second step in the process mining and improving the procedure. In the conformance checking stage, the differences between a pre-defined process model and the data records in the event log are compared. This comparison enables to find cases and gaps, which are executed differently as a process respecting standards, project policies and guidelines. So the conformance checking measures the hardness of the difference between the ideal process and the current process.
Business process enhancement
The last stage in business process mining is the enhancement of the process. During the enhancement stage, the process model will be enlarged. Data gathered from process mining and other conventional processes make it possible to observe the business process in different viewpoints. During enhancement, it is possible to use the time information relating to business operations in the event log, and this opens the opportunity to analyze the process performance from the time perspective. It is also possible to analyze the previous cases together with the execution paths. This enables the analyzing of the effects on elements in a decision-making point. This kind of analyze makes it possible to utilize traditional data mining techniques such as decision-making tree.
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And after identifying the process flows, steps and stages of a certain process can be automated and for repetition without additional costs. This kind of process automation has been used by hundreds of companies around the globe.